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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Grade Nine: Thoughts From a Student Entering High School

Ninth Grade. Although I had always thought I would be homeschooled all the way to college, I'm still amazed that I've made it this far. Today, my parents and I went over all the subjects I would be taking, including Latin, Algebra, and Biology, among plenty of others. All the preparation has been made, and the anticipation is rising. On Monday, when school starts, I will be ready.

I am very excited about this school year. I've always been excited at the beginning of school, but this time more than others. This year, I have more work, but also more interesting things to learn about.

Also, this Thursday, Karate will be starting up again after the summer break. I have really missed Karate, as it is always the highlight of my week. It's nice that Karate is starting the same week as school, as Karate is also counted towards physical education for me.

Today I also set up a webpage on my local network's server that allows me to track my school progress, and print out status reports to deliver to my mom. It uses HTML tables and CSS. If it goes well, I'll probably post a how-to guide on my website sometime later.

This year, I don't plan to change how I approach schoolwork. Just like last year, I'm going to start the average day with a stack of books that need my attention, and I'll pick whichever one I feel like doing at that particular time. After that subject is done, I'll set it aside and choose something else. In no time, it's all done. If this plan doesn't work as well this year as it did last year, I guess I'll adapt my approach as needed.

I really don't want to have a strict, hour-by-hour schedule dictating what I do when. Those bother me because I feel rushed to complete everything on time, and they also don't allow for lessons that take longer than normal, or lessons that take less time than normal.

So, as the 2012-2013 school year starts, I feel  like I am standing on top of a mountain, watching a storm draw near. Over summer break, I get accustomed to having all the free time in the world, and I know that the first week is always the hardest. But at the same time, I am ready for School. I am excited.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry. You're in good hands.

    You're mine for 4 years!



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