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Friday, March 16, 2012

Homeschool Highschool Begins

Curriculum for the 2012 - 2013 homeschool year is now arriving!  Today we received boxes from both Sonlight Curriculum and Christian Book Distributors.  True, most of this first wave of books are for our 5th grade son and 7th grade daughter, but Exploring Creation with Biology from Apologia Science also came, so the high school material is coming!  That is, unless we count Algebra from Math-U-See, but Ryan is already working through his Algebra in 8th grade.

In April, according to our Alpha Omega catalog, AOP products will be 20% off!  We will be adding History & Geography and Language Arts.

As you probably noticed, we draw from several different sources in building our homeschool curriculum, not only high school, but also middle school and upper elementary school.  We have been homeschooling since Ryan was pre-kindergarten, and the ups and downs of that experience is helping us as we plan for the upcoming year.

There is more to high school homeschooling than buying the right curriculum, though.  There is recordkeeping, character building, accountability, and more that I'm sure we will think of.  Future posts will address these and more.


Thank you for

Thank you for

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Scrolling all the way

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