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Thursday, June 7, 2012

How To Go From Hero To Bum ASAP

With Ryan and his sister at Wednesday night youth group, Mr. 5th Grader and I were good to go for tennis practice.  We worked on rallies, serving, and a little footwork.  He's having a great time and so am I.  He cannot wait until next time, and neither can I.  Tennis partners!  Dad, the hero!

Youth group finishes its lesson at 7:40, then fun and hang out time until 8:30.  Come to find out that Miss 7th Grader got separated from her friends and had a miserable 45 minutes.  After a very emotional discussion, and a declaration that she's never going again, I became Dad the bum.

Next week we will try the plan of discreetly coming by at 7:40 to see how things are going.  Fortunately, we live 5 minutes away and multiple trips are not an issue.

Adjusting from upper elementary to junior high can be a pain.  Adjusting to high school can be a pain too, but that hasn't come up yet.  Be alert, dad!

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